Tuesday, November 25, 2008

L2 Phoenix update

Just a little update on the Lineage 2 fronts since I've been so involved with LoTRO.
Apparently the new report bot button is a hit - as long as your not a bot! lol
GM Spam has been making his rounds on every server banning people left and right for 1. botting 2. gold selling/buying 3. sharing ip's with someone who's done 1 or 2. Most threads on the official forums are rejoicing him or hating him. The latter being the people who say "OMGZ i got banned and I nev3er botted or looked at adena buying websitez!" When clearly they are lying like little bitches, haha. I'm sure prices in Giran are going up as we speak.
These new reviews people are throwing out for this Kratei's cube are pretty useless, nobody is going to go to fantasy Isle when the new expansion is out. There's a whole new continent for gods sake! Not to mention S84 gear to start working on. It probly works in Korea, but not NA.
So, it was only a matter of time before the 3 way wars stopped. Since NM basically died after the server merge and kept dying Clearly Clueless left ally and some people from Nocturnus are joining them. Yes! politics and drama! and to make things better, FS/CD are rolling people so hard my clan wants to take a step back and maybe drop wars so they can actually level up and compete. lol...
Wow, now they start thinking of the reasons that half the clan are inactive. Sorry, I don't play solely for pvp, and when there are no xp parties well then there's no point to log in. Not to mention I got tired of asking deseo to do something about the people in clan using l2walker. Hell maybe I should just log in to report them to GM spam! *evil* Anyway, this could very well be the end to imperivm IMO. Then what, they join Karigans clan? lol no thanks, I definatly wont login then :p

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