Thursday, May 28, 2009

What I've done since March

Lord of the Rings updated to Book 7. I got to wonder around Lorien for a bit, but then it sent me right back into the depths of Moria. Blah! Turbine started having issues with lag, rollbacks, disconnects on my lotro server, Brandywine. Cleve and I decided not to renew our accounts.

Took a little break from mmo's for a couple weeks - played some ps3 and watched movies.

Gave World of Warcraft another try for a month. Started some characters on Naz'grel server because Cleve's dad and brother were on there. Yeah I played WoW cuz well basically there was nothing else to play, lol. Eventually, Cleve got tired of it because his dad only logs in weird hours like 11pm-5am and never got to play with him. So we let those accounts expire. Got my shaman up to 45. Yeah funny I love the hybrids.

A friend, Ruffian, from AoA was playing Age of Conan and we decided to try. Played for about 3 weeks, tried every class, couldn't decide on one - until I realized it was way too bloody for my taste, lol. I know I'm a wimp. Cleve was loving it, but I guess grew tired of it without me.

Hm what else did I play? I know there was something else dumb during these past months I've been so bored with current mmo's.

So Cleve activated his old Star Wars Galaxies account and started rp'ing there. About that time Lineage 2 had just released Gracia final update and had a free 2 weeks for everyone with accounts. I thought why not!

Logged in and saw nobody was online or left in Imperivm clan and I clicked the leave clan button. Amazing what 1 button in the game could do for the fun meter! I went solo for a few days, which was awesome. Then one night I was waiting for someone to come kill Shadith raid boss for my Varka quest and that's when I met TheVersus clan. They right away asked why I wasn't in a clan and offered me an invite. I thought again, why not! and I joined. They are great people. Mostly a pve/raid clan that came from Gustin. We will pvp if need be(fortress, seiges, ect) which is perfect for me! 80% of them are Greek. So I'm picking up some cool greek words in the process! I downloaded Lineage 2 on the labtop at work and try to play in the mornings with them too. But omg, the gfx suck on this thing hehe. Not to mention we have 3mb line for 15 computers at this place so that can turn into disaster quickly.

So that brings us to the present. xp'ing in L2. I'm at 78% till 79! btw, wts drac bow clean.

Hanging out with the AoA peeps on the forums and in IRC. Feel free to join us at in our Star Trek Online chan #STO or the SW-Tor chan #SW:TOR

Planning on doing another All out Insider podcast soon too.


Eeek. Amazing how you forget to update your blog when it's a slow gaming news season :)

Lineage 2. Again. I almost thought I was done with it. But like they say, if you quit l2, you will be back. *rolls eyes*

Still waiting on Star Wars:TOR info, Star Trek Online beta (need a guild? join AoA!)and crying over whats left, if anything, of Stargate Worlds. (Their head dev left, and they are broke!)

More later after breakfast.
