Monday, December 22, 2008

60 woooooo

It was a nice weekend and I got screenshots to proove it ;p
Besides going to see "Seven Pounds" (its good go see it unless you don't wanna cry) it was again a LoTRO weekend.
Friday night LoJ put on a christmas concert at the Prancing Pony. Was cool hearing the christmas music and I won a prize for guessing the name of one

Friday we just worked on the lowbies.
Saturday I got Jlynn up to 59 and we went with a kin group to skumfil for Jorics class quest. We went through enough times so all of us got leggings! My first moria radiance gear.

Then we went to the forges and did it on hardmode 2 times - I didn't get any armor though - but I did get my class quest done!
It was a late night lol.

Sunday was just as busy. Starting out the day on our mains Jazriel invited us to finish out book 15. So we helped Narmeleth defeat Mordorith. Sad ending of course.

Got some sweet material items as a prize :)
White horse and a picture of Narmeleth.

The White horse goes really good with my dress!

So right after that we form a group for 5.5 and omg its split into 3 parts - first 2 parts easy. 3rd part is based on luck! Must of been 3rd times a charm, because the first 2 tries we were so unlucky and got like 10 armoured(<--- damn tolkien for making me use U's now in my words) troll spawns. 3rd time none, and we rocked it. I didn't take any screen shots - you barely have time to think in there let alone take a screenshot. I think thats the one I got a nice pair of pants from, too bad I got the radiance ones to use ;p .

Then after a Quiznos run we decided to keep the books going and finish all the way up to the end. So we ran around until 6.8 and did the instance. BTW there is a rock right at the instance entrance and if you run into its insta death and ceo did it like 3 times, on purpose lol.

The last boss in the instance looks freakin sweet, buts he's pretty tough. He drops a teal cloak but we didnt get it.

After that you finally get to meet Galadriel in Lorien! This is what I said about it on the lotro forums:

Mostly people want to post complaints, but I'm going to do the opposite here.
Great job and Thank you on the last book you put in this update. The new moria storyline was just awesome (only got frustrated trying to do 5.5 deep way lol).
And when We finished 6.8 and headed out to Lorien to meet Galadriel it became one of the most memorable moments ingame to me. It was so beautiful and the mirror part is one of my favorites in the book and I was so excited that I got to look in the mirror myself!
Then when the King of Eagles showed up I was about in tears. I think I took 500 screenshots.
Yup so I just want to give a huge Thank You for letting me feel like I am really a part of this story
Looking forward to Book 7!

Edit: Also forgot to mention I thought it was so cool that I found gandalfs old hat in the pond where he broke the bridge. Another great part that I felt like I was really part of the whole story.

I logged out with 1 bar till level 60 :D

Today i logged in and got a deed done and leveled to 60 woot, now 6 more months without xp haha. Went and messed around with my traits, put myself in MoNF(dps) set and was amazed at some of my fire damage. Here's a screenshot where you can see I did 1995 fire damage, I did it on a green mob lol:

After that I got invited to do a 3-man, Midnight Raid, with Hadar and Jason and got some good weapon xp from it. It was fun you have to run around and burn orc tents really fast.
Then Joric and I went and helped jrmama and sonoran with some quests in angmar - those trolls + 4 dread freakin suck! But it was fun :)
I hope thats enough screenshots! lol

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