Friday, June 5, 2009

And it starts...


Finally on NA servers this weekend. The first Aion preview/beta event. Damn NcSoft for not sending me one of their keys. They sold the rest of them to mmo sites and gamestop. So, Cleve and I pre-ordered 2 of them so we could get the pre order items and participate in the preview/beta events. They sent us 1 key, for 2 orders! Doh! So now while Cleve has his key and is ready for the beta this weekend I'm waiting on a reply from gamestop about why they didn't send the other.

But omg either way I will get to play Aion this weekend. Granted, you can only play 1 faction and only to level 20, but I will probly just spend hours on the character customization screen. I decided I'm going Chanter class. Cleve wants to go Cleric. So healer and buffer here we come!

Ooooo I just got a tweet that The Hobbit will start casting for Bilbo Baggins in 2 weeks.

If I can't log into Aion tonight I still got 4mil sp to get on lineage 2 lol.

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